The popular show Yeh Un Dinon Ki Baat Hai on Sony TV is going off air within a month and the news really brought disappointment among the fans of the show. They are their level best to save the show. Actress Ashi Singh recently confirmed about the news of Yeh Un Dinon Ki Baat Hai being winded up on the television. The decision of the show being taken off air has been already informed to the cast and crew on July 12.

As far as the makers and artists of this show are concerned, the decision made by the channel really has really shocked them and he producer of the show also shared an emotional post on Instagram. He urged the fans to save the show, Yeh Un Dinon Ki Baat Hai.
The post was made along with throwback pictures of him along with his wife. The pictures of the couple shared on social media also looked very much similar to the Sameer and Naina from the show Yen Un Dinon Ki Baat Hai.

On social media, the producer of the show wrote, “I’m feeling numb n overwhelmed right now. Got a call from a 16 year old girl from West Bengal requesting me in an extremely emotional way that please don’t shut YUDKBH. People love this show from Kashmir to Kanyakumari to West Bengal to Gujarat from bottom of their heart. And we all are praying that it doesn’t end!”
The producer said that they thought that the show might create nostalgia when they started it, but as time went by, the story started touching the hearts of the target audiences, which included youngsters and teens. He has expressed his gratitude towards the unconditional love and support given by the millions of audience from across the world.

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